Saturday, February 25, 2006

Day 2 - Montana, Idaho, and Washington State

Well we made it to Seattle already! We got in at 8:30pm PST for a travel time of approximately 12 hours. After driving this leg I think anyone who would rather fly into Seattle rather than drive is crazy. The scenery of this land is incredible (except South Dakota - you're still dead to me!). Montana becomes an incredible mountainous wonderland. the views are remarkable (as the pictures show).

The brief trip through the north of Idaho is very impressive. The road has a lot of sharp twists and turns as you move up and down the Rockies.

As you enter Washington State, something weird happens: no more mountains. When you look around in 360 degrees, you cannot see any more mountains. You are actually on the top of the mountains on a plateau. It is just Steppe-like plains with no trees and bushes no taller than 3 feet.

When traveling through the Rockies, I cannot help but think of the early pioneers who crossed the Rockies in horse and wagon. I can't help but think about how far we have come. As we start your 4000 foot descent to Seattle, we cruise through the mountains at ridiculous speeds. The pioneers probably went 20 km/h, tops. Then, as we join the throng of cars, 3 wide, jammed together in a rocket like descent, I think at least the pioneers were likely telling their horses to slow down. Everyone in our group had no thoughts of braking; they were accelerating (and some were talking on cell phones!). Maybe we haven't come as far as I thought.

Well, tomorrow we look around Seattle. It is supposed to rain, so it will be a good introduction to what to expect if I move here.

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