Thursday, March 22, 2007

2 Quarter Down - 1 To Go

I just submitted my last exam, so my 2nd Quarter is done! This was a very challenging quarter due to breadth of topics and the copious amounts of group work. Spare time was at a minimum during this quarter. Thankfully, Lindsey has taken up dog walking and jogging which has reduced my guilt for not being able to spend as much time with her as she deserves.

Overall, I feel that I have learned quite a bit of new knowledge. There is so much information jumbled in my head right now that it needs some time to settle before it truly benefits me. Now the goal is to find an internship that will let me practice some of these new skills. The search is becoming very challenging, but that is the topic for a post to itself.

Right now, it is relaxation time. After a few errands this afternoon, I got eleven other classmates coming over at 4pm to play some poker and watch March Madness. At 7:30pm, we have an "End of Quarter" party in at Woody's Wharf in Newport Beach. Then tomorrow Lindsey, myself, and fellow Canadian Merager Jeff Williamson will be heading to see The Tragically Hip at the small and cozy House of Blues Anaheim! It is a well deserved bout of fun after a challenging quarter.

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