Monday, August 28, 2006

Zeus' Thunderbolts! We're Packing!

Nothing tells you "things are a changing" more that seeing your condo being packed up. The boxes are starting to fill up and take space in our home. The movers are coming on Friday morning and we are leaving on Saturday.
The best news is that Lindsey and I finished work last week. So our biggest priority is to clean out the liquor bar. It's a tough job, but someone has got to do it. There are other serious tasks: we are changing a ridiculous amount of addresses; getting our passports stamped; securing US travelers checks; selling the remaining vestiges of the furniture not making the journey with us; packing; ensuring we have all the needed paperwork; and finalizing travel arrangements for our trip out to the big C.
The paperwork and preparation are not a pleasant experience. As a person who grew up on a border town, I can safely say that U.S custom's officers can be big pricks. It has only got worse since 9/11. Of course, I am speaking from the perspective of someone who does not want to destroy the United States. So, any delay seems needless. I am sure they are truly protecting America when they give me a hard time.
I sold my laptop and TV, so aside from internet cafes, we will not have ready access to a computer until we have been in Irvine for at least one week (more likely two weeks - plus). Without them I think I will go information deprived (as will my faithful readers). If any reader can offer me computer internet access close to UCI for the period September 7th - 20th, I would appreciate it.
I can't wait to arrive. Til then be lucky...

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