Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Reality Of It All Is Becoming Surreal.

The deposit has been paid. New housing is being arranged. Our condo is being prepared for sale. My MBA journey is rapidly gaining a corpeal form; moving from good idea to an dramatic action that will greatly impact my family's life.

Butterflies are setting in. We have just agreed to expend the majority of our savings, go into more debt, and relocate 2500 miles to a foreign country in the gamble that this endeavor will bring us greater opportunities and a better life. This reality is spurring me to re-appreciate the quality of our current life. We make a decent living. The quality of living is high here. The city is relatively safe. The spring weather has allowed me to go onto my balconey and appreciate the tranquility of my city. Life is good.

The biggest enemy of change is the comfort of familiarity. It is that enemy I now face. As in business, when embarking on change, one must, first, charge forward and implement it. Then, and only then, can one properly evaluate the success of the decision. I made this life changing decision to round out my education, for the opportunity to be immersed around more technology companies and the chance to expand my contact network. It is my confidence that we fully considered this decision that drives me forward in defiance of the pangs of comfort.

Next weekend is UCI's Admit Weekend. I am driving down to Detroit to fly out on Thursday (If anyone is getting in Thursday night let me know). I will tell all about the experience when I return.

1 comment:

Canada-US MBA said...

It was great to meet you at Admit Weekend. The experience has got me very psyched for the move. I'm sure questons will abound as move date gets closer. I am just trying to sell my condo and arrange a move in date at UCI.