Saturday, November 04, 2006

Mid-Term Update

2 down - 1 to go. They were good exams - fair. I am not a big believer that exams tell the truth of our knowledge, but I certainly have fun with their challenge. The class averages of the exams have been above 80% (its funny that law school's policy with overachievers (at least Canadian schools) is to beat down the overachievers and bell them up, and the MBA (at least this American MBA) policy is to let the overachievers overachieve and bell them down later (this is another topic).

After going through Law school without buying many books, it is amazing how doing your readings help you when testing your knowledge of a subject. I am not too concerned about marks. I need to keep a 3.0 average (as a canadian I can honestly say "what the hell does that mean? A's, B's, 80%, 70% anyone?"), but at this point I do not feel my fellowship is in jeopardy. Just a guaging point to see if I am on track.

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