Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What is different about Southern California?

We've had almost two months to digest SoCal life. So many of you are wondering "what is different about So.California and its inhabitants?" especially relative to Canadians.
1. In my observations there are two types of Californians: the laid back Californian and the intense, "in-a-hurry" californian. The laid back are often clueless to there surroundings, they just move slow, talk slow, and are pretty easy going. The intense Californians have no clue anyone else exists. They honk as soon as the light turns green. Not passing judgement on either. Each have their charm.
2. Believe or not, Orange County, especially where we are (Irvine), is not very pedestrian friendly. The main roads are six lanes or more wide (every one) and the lights change very quickly. This is not a place for people to retire and walk the community.
3. I don't know why but valet parking is a common site in the larger malls. The OC is so anti-pedestrian, they don't like to walk from their parking spot to the mall.
4. The landscape is fantastic: Rugged hills, beautiful beaches, and cliffs overlooking the ocean.
5. The weather is perfect: hot in the sun; cool in the shade. Warm during the day and cool at night. Best of all, no sticky humidity. I don't miss London in this regards.
There are more and I am sure I will revisit the issue later.


Lori said...

Now, have you tried chocolate covered raisons there yet? When I was in Cali, I found some that supposedly had wine in the coating. Regardless, the chocolate covered raisons in Cali were to die for and glosette's just seem crappy now in comparison. The wineries sometimes sell them and I think that's probably the place to get them.

Anonymous said...

Do they still have "Churos" in SoCal? They are long tube like donuts covered in cinamon and sugar. When Mom and I visited the area we always like one or two for a snack. Check them out!