Saturday, April 01, 2006

A Quick Thought About Stanford

I realized in my midst of my two massive posts today, I glossed over my ding from Stanford. I would like a few more thoughts.

One, I am disappointed that I am not going to Stanford (I am not going to pretend otherwise). Stanford is the heart of ecomm. It spawned the likes of Google and other amazing internet businesses. To be in that creative vortex would be very exciting. Also, the student are highly intelligent. That being said, they get 4000 applicants and accept less that 400 per year.

Those numbers dictate that processes and procedures that will not get to know at least 50% of the applicants. They are really trying to fill class profile slots. My guess is that they have extensive experience and data about what makes their ideal class make-up. If an applicant doesn't fit in that slot - they don't have time to learn more. If an applicant fits a slot but the initial ranking has them 7 best when they only interview top 5, then their reject isn't really an indication of a poor candidate, but of a candidate that they cannot make the time for.

So, in summation, it would have been an honour to be accepted to such a program, but I do not take as a reflection that I am lesser than the other candidates. I just did not fit the profile of a tough process.

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