Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Residential - 3 days and 3 long nights

The Merage residential is our first credit course of the year. It is a 3 1/2 day condensed introducting into strategy and team dynamics. The days start at 9am and they end late into the night with a due assignment.

The main purpose of the course is to teach team dynamics. The assignments were no more than a vessel to teach the teams team skills. We are introduced to our small group with whom we will be completing all group assignments in the first year. Instructor's were around to ensure we were working well with our team. I found that my team went through some growing processes. At first we were a bit excited upon our assignment. Then, as the assignments came, we experienced a lack of trust among all of us in our team mates. It was very hard for me to let go and trust my team mates. Two assignments into two late nights will not make a great team, but it is a start. Today, I see a lot of growth from where we started that weekend.

The final night is late because it is a party. The evening starts with a formal meal and pairs of groups performing sketches. The jokes were very inside and a bit nerdy, but we all loved it. Afterwards the partying begins. Flare ups of shouting and music arose in various areas of the hotel. It ended in someones room with me leaving around 3am. Overall, that was a pretty great bonding experience.

Needless to say, I was exhausted and again poor Lindsey, who was left alone in our apartment (although I left her in a furnished apartment and I got her a TV the night before), was met with a tired husband. I think the spouses really got the raw deal from the Orientation.

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